The Knowledge Library

What is The Knowledge Library?

Think of this as your resource for practical health tips, information, advice, reading, references, recommendations & more.

In here you'll find additional resources that I feel will add to your personal health journey. The Knowledge Library is a growing thing and will continue to have new material added regularly

Each section reflects different aspects of health such as Immune, Digestion etc. Within each section the resources will differ slightly. Some will have downloads + e-books + webinars, some will contain downloads only. 

There's another section called "holistic health publications". This is where you'll find relevant publications from some of the suppliers I work with. 

For 2024 I'll be uploading new items every month so make sure you check in regularly. As a member of The Knowledge Library, I expect you to uphold the positive, encouraging vibe that I have built.

You'll have access to a mini-library of 30 minute webinars too. Each webinar has notes and an e-book. 

See you at the library soon!

11 Sections

30 minute webinars: Know Your Body Better

Foundations of Health - 2021 series:

#1- What the #$@! is a MICROBIOME (think gut & digestion). 

#2- Stress, Anxiety & their impact on Insomnia

You can view these whenever you choose, in order.

Feel free to get in touch if you'd like some professional advice on your Health & Wellness journey.

Regards, Deborah

Recommended Resources & Experts

These are a few of our favorite things...

Other professionals, services, & resources outside of what we offer.

Only those we can personally recommend.

Holistic Health Publications

Here you'll find a really good selection of magazines & publications. These are either Supplier based, Practitioner based or General Health based.

Recipes, meditations, stretches and more - useful and up to date information for all.


Hormonal - handy guides for managing hormones

Mental Wellness (Stress, Anxiety, Moods/Depression +)

This section is all about our Mental Health, Mental Illness, & Mental Wellbeing. 

You'll find easy to read articles, handouts, booklets & more.

Covering Stress, Anxiety, Moods, Depression and more.

Nutrition - healthy eating guides, dietary specific (eg Gluten Free)

Diet & Nutrition handouts

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